Optical/Video Measuring System Calibration

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Optical/Video Instrument Calibration

ICS provides accurate, efficient instrument calibration solutions for optical/video instruments, including optical comparators, microscopes, and video measuring systems. The team at ICS understands how important it is to ensure that your optical equipment is fully calibrated and functioning with complete accuracy. We can help you achieve the accuracy, clarity, and long-term performance that you need from your optical/video equipment.

New Equipment Sales

ICS provides more than just quality instrument calibration! Our team also provides quotes for new equipment purchases, including Optical Comparators, Vision Systems, & Custom Gauging products from Optical Gaging Products.


SmartScope E7


SmartScope E45

We start with a thorough cleaning:

Clean and/or degrease the outside of the machine using a mild detergent

Clean & lubricate accessible lead-screws and bearing ways.

Inspect and clean all optics including lenses, mirrors, stage glass, and monitor/chart glass, using a coating-safe lens cleaner and lint-free lens tissues

Remove burrs and high spots from the table surface and ways.

Not just the ones on the outside of the machine!

Align and collimate the light source parallel to the optics.

From there, we finish with a world class calibration that includes before and after adjustment data…

Comparator calibration includes:

Focus squareness parallel to optical axis

Table squareness perpendicular to optical axis

Perpendicularity of X to Y axis

Edge detection accuracy to centerline for systems equipped with behind the mirror edge systems

Magnification & distortion accuracy for all lenses equipped with the machine

Chart angular rotation in 90 and 180 degrees

Chart holds centerline in 180 degrees

X & Y axes lead accuracy, every inch for the entire length of travel


Video Measuring Machine calibration includes:

Table flatness to optical axis

Focus squareness to optical axis

Par-focalization of zoom lens for autofocus-equipped machines

Par-centrality of zoom lens

Edge detection accuracy

X / Y axis stage squareness

Z axis linear calibration

X / Y axis linear or nonlinear grid data up to 24 intersections

Measuring Microscope calibration includes:

Table flatness to optical axis

Focus squareness to optical axis

X / Y axis stage squareness

Reticle scale magnification accuracy

Crosshair rotation & centerline

X & Y axis lead accuracy, every inch for the entire length of travel

Why Choose ICS for Optical/Video Instrument Calibration Solutions?

The professionals at ICS perform adjustments onsite and in our fully equipped, state-of-the-art laboratory. Our streamlined services and excellence in customer service keep our clients coming back.

In a rush? Expedited services are available. When an adjustment will not do, we have the ability to repair even some of the oldest machines. All instrument calibrations include before and after adjustment data, available through your ICS Live login.